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        Guanidinium thiocyanate

        Guanidinium thiocyanate  HN=C(NH2)2•HSCN

        Structural formula: HN=C(NH2)2•HSCN

        Molecular formula: CH5N3•HSCN

        Molecular weight: 118.16

        Guanidinium thiocyanate: mainly used in biomedicine, chemical reagents, etc. Chaotropic agent and strong denaturant for denaturation of lysed cells; extraction of RNA and DNA.

        Tel: +86-13776885888 Fax: +86-519-86474164 Contact: Cao Jihu E-mail:sales@xinlitaichem.com
        Factory Address: Hebin Industrial Park, West of National Highway 110, Huinong District, Shizuishan City, Ningxia, China
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